Where Does the Coffee Come From?

Enjoying a cup of coffee according to our favorite flavor and style is a little luxury many of us afford ourselves daily. A drink to share while conversing with friends and family or a ‘pick me up’ to start or continue with a busy day. Rest assured, our artisan blend the Bermuda Devil’s Coffee Co has been hand crafted and roasted in Bermuda since 2013 and we only use Fair Trade certified coffee.
What is Fair Trade and what does it mean to us and to you as the consumer?
Well, in fact coffee was the first product to be FairTrade certified when the first FairTrade coffee from Mexico hit shelves in the Netherlands back in 1988. Currently, FairTrade farmers can be found in 30 countries. There are approximately 1.6 million farmers and workers involved in FairTrade around the world, half of these are small scale coffee farmers.
Majority, of the worlds FairTrade coffee (80%) comes from Latin America. Mostly from Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, but Fairtrade coffee farmers also live in countries like Uganda, Tanzania and Indonesia.
FairTrade focuses on small producers, and these 25 million smallholders produce 70-80 percent of the world’s coffee. We choose to support these farmers by only purchasing organic, FairTrade, Fair Transport, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ certified, carefully selected from around the world. Nearly half of all FairTrade producers are coffee growers. Official information from the FairTrade Monitoring and Impact Report (2015) states that:
‘… there are roughly 812,500 small-scale farmers organised in 445 producer organisations’.
We also follow the Rainbow Alliance recommendations, the Rainforest Alliance is a NGO with programs in several areas that promote standards for sustainability. We also know farmers can negotiate the best deal possible for their coffee production.
Basically, there are two types of coffee beans that the FairTrade farmers cultivate. Arabica that is milder and more expensive, and Robusta stronger and less expensive coffee beans. Our expert roster ‘Kike’ works his magic to create the unique blend that we offer at Devil’s Isle Coffee Company. Kike was born in Guatemala but his coffee making experiences were shaped from his experiences in Venezuela where he tried his first cappuccino complete with cinnamon dusting on top of the foam! What a delight!
At the age of 18 he began training as a barista and he began to investigate the roasting process, reading about the different methods and where the beans came from to create the wide variety of roasts and blends that Devil’s Isle Coffee Company boasts.
He didn’t stop there, but has since competed in the Guatemala National Cupping Championship (2014) and travelled to Melbourne, Australia to take part in the World Cup Tasters Championship. He arrived in Bermuda in September 2014 ready to roast for the Devil’s Isle Coffee Company. His dedication to his craft and ability to maintain the integrity of the bean is evident when you try our blend.
We will continue to support our neighbors in the LATAM and Caribbean Islands while we continue to offer a selection of 100% Arabica beans — Organic, Fair Trade, Fair Transport, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ certified, carefully selected from around the world. According to projections by the Food and Agricultural Organization for the United Nations.
‘The world’s largest coffee producing region is likely to continue to be Latin America and the Caribbean’.
We pride ourselves on our ethically sourced beans and premium quality as well as our extensive menu of specialty coffees roasted and created by our award-winning Barista.
You can find out more about where our coffee comes from & the masterful ‘Kike’ at https://www.devilsislecoffee.bm/coffee/
You can learn more about FairTrade here http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/
#FairTrade #coffee #Organic #FairTrade #FairTransport #Bermuda #arabica
#LATAM #Caribbean #Foodie #Food&Wine #RainforestAlliance #roasted #robust
#flavour #barista #roster #artisan #travelBermuda
You can learn more about Kike our award winning roaster here.